Is there a right way to revise?
January can be a pain. Let's face it. It's freezing cold, Christmas is over and in my case school resumes. The only perk seems to be the beginning of my seven month countdown to summer. In terms of school, January tends to be the 'hit the ground running exams exams exams!!' term where we are told the last three months were the honeymoon stage and now we have to buckle down and work hard for the future. Revision classes commence, mocks return and with that comes a mountainous load of revision.So I pose the question, what is the best way to revise?
I will also answer the question: I have absolutely no idea!
Revision is personal, we all revise in different ways and only we know ourselves enough to do what suits us. Whether it's spider diagrams, bullet points; perfectly executed notes or quickfire questions you always have to do what's best for you! Personally, I prefer written revision and practice test papers as I can just sit by myself and get stuck in. I like to have some snacks at arms reach (which results in me gaining some weight whoops) and a little background noise just so my environment is a bit more casual. Probably not the best idea but I also revise in my bed, I like being comfy! One thing that I really do think is key for revision (yes I know I just wrote a paragraph saying you should choose the way you revise and now I'm telling you how to but I promise this is revision gold) is colour coding, it's honestly so beneficial as you can associate certain topics with the colours and it's great for separating the sections you're revising! Another thing is to treat yourself,- it sounds strange I know- have some sort of reward set for after revision so you feel motivated to get through the one hour (or seven) of studying. Lastly, set goals for the future. What do you want to be when you're older? What are you aspiring to? Have a 'steps to success' 'maybe?
If you're at that stage where revision is melting your brain, try out a few new things to find a comfortable revision tactic.