Healthy isn't always boring
New year and you decide maybe it's time to finally go on that diet you've been putting on hold for five maybe six years? Let's face it, you look at all that salad and your tummy groans in despair, how are you going to survive on a carrot? We've all been there, backed out on a diet after trying for half a day to stay away from the cookies, the cakes and the chocolate. Honestly even now as I write this I should be trying to 'diet' but I prefer the term "loosely perfecting my eating habits" because to be quite frank, diets are hard and unless you are totally motivated and maybe also out of school sometimes you might get stuck for ideas on how to improve the way you eat. In this post I've decided to leave a 3 recipes/ snacks that are really healthy and that you can incorporate into your diet in order to slightly improve what you're taking in without the full commitment of a diet.1) Health drink smoothie-type thing
I have no idea what it's exact name is but all I know is that it tastes delicious and is super quick, easy and cheap. All you need is fruits like apples, pears, grapes, berries of any kind and then carrots, cucumber and some kale and you're ready to go! Just chop them up and stick it into a juicer/ blender with a table spoon of honey and half a lemon or so until smooth. You can mix and match as well, sometimes leaving out the kale or the berries for a different flavour or maybe even trying some more exotic fruits! It takes no effort at all and is a really nice detox-y type drink that you can have at any point in the day and counts for a large portion of your five a day!
2) Cous-cous
This is a great meal as it can be enjoyed hot or cold with plenty of salad or pesto and lovely spices. Whether you have a pre-made pack or you want to start from scratch, cous cous can easily be made to your preference! Instructions are simple and are on the back of the packaging so you're ready to go!
*tip: use baby leaf spinach and peppers in your salad with the cous cous! They taste great together*
3) Honey roasted nuts, raisins and banana chips
The only recipe here is for the nuts: all you need is assorted nuts and some honey. Place the nuts on grease proof paper and cover evenly with the honey and put them in the oven on a medium heat for 5-10 minutes! (Toss them around a bit after 5 minutes so they're evenly golden brown and add anymore honey if need be). Take them out when they look ready and leave them to cool. After just put them in a jar with the raisins and banana chips and enjoy! These are a great replacement for chocolate and crisps at snack time!
*tip: you can skip out on the rasins and banana chips if you like or even replace them with other things!*