First Semester, a reflection...
Now I'm back to Uni (oh how I miss thee, Christmas), I've really had time to reflect on how much my life has changed since I first shipped myself here. I say shipped 'myself' as if my entire family didn't squeeze themselves into the car I'd packed my entire life into and come along with me, honestly one thing you never think of as you pack for this distant room you've never been in is how exactly you're to transport about 3000 clothes and shoes you'll probably never wear. First semester was honestly a rollercoaster, from the first day of term to the last something was always going on and I found myself too busy to ever have a spare moment (hence the lack of post until now, sorry). So, I bring to you, a little reflection of my firsts at uniFIRST WEEK
Alas, the morning of the biggest day of my life thus far arrived with great speed and before I knew it I was pressed up against the car window travelling further and further away from home. Arriving at Uni was extremely nerve wracking, knowing not only that I was in a completely new place, but also I was going to have to live with new people. I introduced myself to my flatmates briefly and all seemed well so I took myself to my new room, I was at home, as strange as that seemed. My family happily helped me unpack once we arrived which I was so grateful for as I 100% would have been at a loss doing it myself. Once my parents left, I was then left to properly socialise with my flatmates and I quickly realised this Uni thing wasn't as bad as I'd thought! I got on well with my flatmates and with Freshers week starting, there was a lot to look forward to. Lots of going out and very very little sleep was had in the first week. I grew to appreciate mum's cooking and the fact she cooked every. single. day. because quite honestly, I struggled with the urge to just have noodles like every other student ever (meal prep is your best friend just for future reference). Freshers week brought new friends, everyone I met was extremely friendly, we're all in the same boat so it's easy to make friends!
From that point onwards I felt completely settled in and my life became lectures, cooking and socialising. Uni became a fantastic routine and due to literally being on campus 24/7, one week felt like one month, something we like to call the "Love island complex", and by the time a month had gone by I felt as if I really had this whole uni thing down- kinda. In between getting my education on, I was juggling my oh-so hectic nightlife. Believe me, it's hard not to party at every opportunity when your flatmates are as convincing as mine, not to mention that after our flat parties got us quite the reputation we really had to make them a rarity as to not have the whole campus showing up to our small flat as they did on Halloween!
As end of term came around the corner at high speed, life picked up also and all of a sudden everything was happening at once! More nights out, assignments, tests and honestly it was so difficult to keep up with everything, not to mention the fact my sleeping pattern was beyond destroyed... I don't really remember what it's like to sleep before 1am anymore, sigh. The last two weeks of term in particular were quite hectic, and as I packed my things in a rush on the last day, I realised that I'd actually survived my first first semester... I felt oddly proud of myself but also reminiscent, I'd absolutely loved Uni so far and although it was a lot to handle at times, there was no way I'd change a single thing about how it had gone. I was so ready for second semester and I hadn't even left Uni yet!
Roll on this semester! Hopefully plenty of fantastic memories and the happiest of days...