Ten Days in Turkey: 4
Sadly today didn't start off as the great day I'd hoped it'd be. We woke up nice and early preparing to go to the beach, had a nice breakfast and set off at around 11:30. It was a short walk and before I knew it I was facing the beautiful sea. This is where the bad part kicks in- I went straight for the sea with my glasses on got hit by a wave and lost them to the water. This is devastating to me becuase not only am I half blind without my glasses, replacing them is going to be a struggle and I've got to have contacts for the rest of the week I'm here. Contacts as some of you may know can only be worn a few hours a day so this means half the day or more I have to stumble around blind and I'm so upset! Hopefully when I get back home I'll get a new pair fairly quickly as wearing contacts all the time is both tiresome and can't be done for too long.
For the rest of the day I tried not to mope around, instead I played with my siblings, staying out of the heat. We returned to the beach briefly in case by some miracle my glasses had washed up on shore but to no avail. In the late evening we went into central town again to see what the night life there was like and it was very lovely indeed! We met lots of lovely people as we walked past the shops and by 11:30pm we realised that Turkey never sleeps! All the shops were still open as usual and life continued as if it were just 3 in the afternoon. My mood was completely lifted by the time I got home!
Let's hope there are not sad stories to tell tomorrow and also that the seas open up and deliver me my glasses (I wish).