Ten Days in Turkey: 7
A week. A week. A week! Time flies when you're on holiday, honestly before I know it I'll be back in my bedroom as if I'd never even left! Forgetting my impending return home, today was quite nice as we once again ventured into the town centre's night life. I genuinely love Turkey at night, it's cooler so you can actually walk ten metres without gasping for air, dripping in sweat and also it's so much more vibrant and alive- probably because everyone isn't dying of heatstroke. We decided to take a different route today, going right into the centre of the centre, which ended up being a good idea as we stumbled across a little serene garden with a pretty pond. We did a bit of window shopping before realising we'd walked quite a long way and forgotten the way we came. So we wandered until we found a familiar area, hopped into a taxi and went back to the hotel. Tonight was the fire show, so naturally we were inclined to watch as who doesn't enjoy a human taking on dragon-like qualities? The man performed various tricks drinking copious amounts of alcohol before spitting it over torches and creating a mini inferno. It was a lovely end to the day and as soon as I got into bed I fell asleep!Tomorrow we're going to a visit the local shopping centre, hopefully it'll be a really nice (and cool) place to hang around for a few hours.