
Five friends, three days

18:20:00 Neona 2 Comments

Hello everyone! I am so sorry for the delay, the latter end of last week was just so stressful I just wasn't able to write a post of good enough standard. I'm also back to school now and it's exam season so I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to manage my time effectively but I guess I'll just have to work with it!

So as some of you may know if you follow me on Twitter, just over a week ago I took a three day trip to Denmark. The back story as to 'why Denmark?' Is a long one which I've been through many a time so I'm not going to do that again. Anyway so the long awaited Tuesday 5th of April arrived and I excitedly got up at the crack of dawn to meet three of my best friends whom I'd be travelling to meet up with best(est) friend number four. The journey to the airport was quick enough, we checked in (it was quite strange doing all this for the first time without an adult!) then had breakfast, shopped a bit before it was time to board. I'll skip the plane journey, it was standard, an hour and a half or so was all it took to get us onto Danish soil. Fast forward we met up with my best friend and her mum and started off to her house. The rest of that evening was nice and chilled, we took a walk to the local shop to buy a few things and then spent the night playing cards against humanity.

The next day was by far my favourite, we got the chance to spend a couple of hours doing various (challenging and strenuous) tree climbing activities which is something I'd never experienced before and did enjoy! There were varied heights you could climb at and we worked through them all (although I found I'd developed a minor fear of heights at the 20m mark and dropped out of the very last course). We got to spend the night in a cabin, just us five cooking and cleaning for ourselves- the epitome of freedom right? Highlight of that evening was having a prank pulled on us which resulted in a very loud scream and my life flashing before my eyes. The rest of the night passed without any more terror (thank God) and due to irresponsibly sleeping at 6am we woke up at 11am. Fuelled on five hours sleep we gave the cabin a clean and had pancakes for breakfast. Back 'home' we showered and packed up all our things- I couldn't believe it was almost over already!- and headed off to the mall to ramble and pick up a few things before dinner at Restaurant Flammen which was amazing!! 

The drive to the airport was nice and long, it kind of felt like a mini road trip with that "nothing ahead but the open road" feeling. Obviously the airport getting closer and closer and I realised the trip we'd been planning for months was coming to an end. At the airport, fooseball and trying to get to the front of the boarding queue was what the next hour or so consisted of. Then it was the plane journey back where us girls gossiped from take off to landing, taking a few cheeky pictures of the boys which I won't include as I value my life quite a bit. Getting home was nice for one reason only- my bed. Other than that I could honestly have had a few more days over there in Denmark, it was the nicest thing to just come away from school work and spend some time with best friends and making amazing memories.

Photo credit for this lovely picture goes to my friend @jbishop169 (on Instagram)

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  1. This is such a cute post - I'm glad you had such an amazing time! x

    1. Thank you so much! It was amazing I hope to do it again! x
