Captain America: Civil War

12:32:00 Neona 7 Comments

After months and months of waiting, yesterday was the day I was finally able to watch the third instalment of the Captain America movies. Most of you don't know this but I am a sucker for the Marvel Cinematic Universe films and even more of a sucker for Chris Evans. I live for the feeling you get when the Marvel intro shows up on the big screen and you sit there in anticipation knowing the next few hours are going to be absolutely amazing. I've spent months feeding off teasers, trailers and interviews counting down the days and bracing myself for what the Russo brothers were going to deliver. 

I can honestly say, they did not disappoint! The film was everything I'd hoped for, the characters were all played perfectly- Marvel's casting deserve all the good in the world because everyone they cast is faultless. Being TeamCap and more specifically TeamChrisEvans I spent a solid amount of time just appreciating Captain Steve Rogers and his beautiful, beautiful self. However I can say hand on heart that every character did gather every ounce of my attention in different ways. I always love the strong female character of Natasha Romanoff, poor her surrounded by the boys for so long at least she has Scarlet Witch now! The humour coming from Ant-Man, Spider-Man (Tom Holland did an amazing job! I was quite skeptical as I was fond of Andrew Garfield but it was lovely to see a younger Peter Parker) and Hawkeye (I just love Clint so much), the development of new characters Wanda, Black Panther and Vision and arguably the most important James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes. Oh Bucky, he's so precious and victimised and him and Steve are just so adorable but what I loved was the fact this movie really allowed Sebastian Stan to take on the role of the Winter Soldier and we just get a more in depth side to him. Marvel- props to you and the Russo brothers I am so happy with how the film turned out! I love the fact the film gave you no time whatsoever to breathe, it's just intense from start to finish, my emotions were literally all over the place afterward. 

I will definitely be watching this again and again... and again? I strongly recommend you watching this film if you get the time but make sure you've seen the previous two Cap films and the Avengers movies so you have an idea as to what lead to the 'Civil War'. Whether you're TeamCap or TeanIronMan, your alliances will fluctuate, you will sympathise with different characters for different reasons and you will definitely leave wanting more! 

And don't forget to wait right. until. the. very. end...


The Liebster award

19:43:00 Neona 2 Comments

Hello everyone! Another post this week hopefully lets me off the hook for abandoning my blog last week. Today I give you a little insight on myself by doing the Liebster Award thanks to Kaitlin from KaitlinLouise!

Just a quick background on the award:
"The Liebster Award 2016 is an award that exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome." - I think it's a great way to unite blogs and get smaller blogs a bit of recognition! Thank you so much Kaitlin for this nomination!

The rules of the Liebster award are:
1: Mention the blogger who tagged you and thank them.
2: Answer the 11 questions you've been asked by the blogger 
3: Nominate 11 bloggers who have 500 followers or less. 
4: Give them 11 questions to answer.
5: Notify your nominees on Twitter.

I'm going to tag 11 blogs that I'd like to nominate to take part in this and the 11 questions I'd like them to answer at the bottom of this post. Happy blogging!

My answers:
Q: One place you've visited before and would go again given the choice?
A: Florida, I went when I was very little and barely remember Disney World, the five year old in me is not quite satisfied!!
Q: Galaxy or Cadbury?
A: Reducing this down to both brands in their most basic milk chocolate forms I'd have to go with Cadbury!
Q: What's your favourite blog post you've written to date?
A: Probably Birthday Travels as it is one of my favourite memories! 
Q: What is your guilty pleasure?
A: Party Rings! I go through those way too quickly and I know they aren't good for me but I can't help it.
Q: Who's your favourite actor and actress? 
A: Actor is the beautiful Chris Evans, I love that man to bits. And actress I really don't know, I thought about this for a long time but no one really came to mind, I'll update if I make a decision!
Q: What would you tell your younger self?
A: Make sure to take every single opportunity you can regardless of how intimidating they seem, memories are worth so much!
Q: Favourite Disney film?
A: Lilo and Stitch hands down.
Q: If you could be best friends with any celebrity, who would it be?
A: Can I pick a group? I'm going to pick a group (I'm sorry if I'm breaking rules here) but the cast of The Avengers- plus Chris Pratt. I just love them all so much.
Q: Night in or a night out?
A: Night in, especially with my best friends, we know how to have a good time at home!
Q: What's your favourite car?
A: Not too sure really, love a Range Rover though and a sleek white Mercedes maybe?
Q: What's the most scary thing you've ever done?
A: Hmm, I'm not really one for taking major risks- probably the climbing up in treetops I did in Denmark! 

Your 11 questions:
1: Favourite tv show
2: Go to comfort food?
3: A quote or song lyric that you love
4: Do you prefer to wear brighter or darker colours?
5: How long have you been friends with your oldest friend? 
6: Favourite pair of shoes at the moment
7: Who do you call when you're in a crisis?
8: Who do you call when something good has happened?
9: Three words you'd use to describe your life at this current period of time
10: What's something you like but most people hate?
11: Do you have a pet? If so what pet, if not what pet would you like?

I nominate:
-Hollie from EnamouredBeauty
-Gaby from ThatChicGaby
-Claire from MyLittleMemoir
-Demitria from DemitriaDoes
-Georgia from GeorgiaSillitoe
-Ashleigh from AshleighKybert
-Sally from Saltanxo
-Madi from GlamorousMayhem
-Noemi from JoynLifestyle
-Sally from SalElizabeth
-Renaé from RenaeDavinya



Five friends, three days

18:20:00 Neona 2 Comments

Hello everyone! I am so sorry for the delay, the latter end of last week was just so stressful I just wasn't able to write a post of good enough standard. I'm also back to school now and it's exam season so I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to manage my time effectively but I guess I'll just have to work with it!

So as some of you may know if you follow me on Twitter, just over a week ago I took a three day trip to Denmark. The back story as to 'why Denmark?' Is a long one which I've been through many a time so I'm not going to do that again. Anyway so the long awaited Tuesday 5th of April arrived and I excitedly got up at the crack of dawn to meet three of my best friends whom I'd be travelling to meet up with best(est) friend number four. The journey to the airport was quick enough, we checked in (it was quite strange doing all this for the first time without an adult!) then had breakfast, shopped a bit before it was time to board. I'll skip the plane journey, it was standard, an hour and a half or so was all it took to get us onto Danish soil. Fast forward we met up with my best friend and her mum and started off to her house. The rest of that evening was nice and chilled, we took a walk to the local shop to buy a few things and then spent the night playing cards against humanity.

The next day was by far my favourite, we got the chance to spend a couple of hours doing various (challenging and strenuous) tree climbing activities which is something I'd never experienced before and did enjoy! There were varied heights you could climb at and we worked through them all (although I found I'd developed a minor fear of heights at the 20m mark and dropped out of the very last course). We got to spend the night in a cabin, just us five cooking and cleaning for ourselves- the epitome of freedom right? Highlight of that evening was having a prank pulled on us which resulted in a very loud scream and my life flashing before my eyes. The rest of the night passed without any more terror (thank God) and due to irresponsibly sleeping at 6am we woke up at 11am. Fuelled on five hours sleep we gave the cabin a clean and had pancakes for breakfast. Back 'home' we showered and packed up all our things- I couldn't believe it was almost over already!- and headed off to the mall to ramble and pick up a few things before dinner at Restaurant Flammen which was amazing!! 

The drive to the airport was nice and long, it kind of felt like a mini road trip with that "nothing ahead but the open road" feeling. Obviously the airport getting closer and closer and I realised the trip we'd been planning for months was coming to an end. At the airport, fooseball and trying to get to the front of the boarding queue was what the next hour or so consisted of. Then it was the plane journey back where us girls gossiped from take off to landing, taking a few cheeky pictures of the boys which I won't include as I value my life quite a bit. Getting home was nice for one reason only- my bed. Other than that I could honestly have had a few more days over there in Denmark, it was the nicest thing to just come away from school work and spend some time with best friends and making amazing memories.

Photo credit for this lovely picture goes to my friend @jbishop169 (on Instagram)



Baby faced

15:42:00 Neona 0 Comments

Hello everyone! Here I am with my first review (un-sponsored). My lovely friend took a trip to Korea a while ago and coming back she bought me a few things to try. Sweets, sachets and souvenirs were among the treats I got to play around with but the one thing I was very excited to try was a Shea butter face mask by Aritaum. One lazy Saturday morning I decided it was time I gave it a go, so I scoured the Internet for the instructions (sadly they were in Korean on the packaging) had a quick shower, cleansed my face with a face wash and opened the face mask to reveal, an actual mask. I mean I know it was called a face mask but I expected a cream that you'd smother on your face and it'd dry and you'd peel it off afterwards. Nonetheless I placed it on my face and proceeded to spend the next 20 minutes looking like a character fresh out of a horror movie. In order to keep the mask on my face I was required to talk as little as possible and refrain from laughing- obviously as soon as your brain realises it shouldn't be laughing it decides to find everything in plain sight hilarious. So just imagine my giggling self snap chatting my friends trying to past time *no photo here as I was quite a sight*. The time passed slowly but surely and I took off the mask and rubbed the remaining "residue" (?) into my now soft and supple face. I found that my face was dewy, and had the perfect amount of moisture, something I really needed for my skin! Definitely one of the most weirdest things I've tried but I thoroughly enjoyed it and would definitely love to make it a regular thing. My skin did feel amazing and that was only after one mask! I can't imagine the wonders it would do if you did it regularly. I completely recommend that if you can get your hands on one to try it, the funny side alone makes it totally worth it!

Just a side note- the facial wash I'm using is the Simple Triple Action face wash which I use with it's corresponding moisturiser. It's quite good although I find my skin is left very dry afterwards so I tend to pair the moisturiser with another one.